Monday, August 20, 2007

Joint Effort

Shout out to Allison for the title suggestion! Great Idea! Lauren has also decided that she doesn't have too much to say for her own blog so she would like to moonlight on this one, making it "our" blog.

The first day back was AWESOME! except the hem came out of my cute new black pants... nothing a few staples couldn't fix right? They were too long anyway but since they were too long, I got to wear my FABULOUS Sasha London black heels that I got at Century 21 in NYC. If you every to to NYC it is IMPERATIVE that you go to this store! Its a Neiman's, Nordstrom's, Dillard's combination for CHEAP! most things under $50. Gotta Love that! Especially if your a clothes/shoe whore like me :)

I do need some prayers... there is a teacher that I work with that I have a hard time liking. They have always been semi nice to me, but there are a few things that make my skin crawl and I am shocked from the ignorance/naivety/egotism that comes out of their mouth and I want to be a nice good person but am torn by raging anger and frustration. There is no reason for me to feel this way, I am not the good christian person in this scenario but the one defending others who fall short of this persons judgement. I want to like everyone or at least tolerate them all! I tried praying that God would teach me patience in this situation, but of course he "taught" them to me and I didn't get it, so maybe pray that God GIVES me patience... If I still can't get them, I may be able to "hook you up" with my new full time job I will have at the Gap (when I get fired for hitting a co-worker)

I will keep you informed...

P.S. another great thing about in service is we got 2 hours for lunch! BUT i found out I have lunch duty this year during my conference :(


Anonymous said...

this will not be our blog if you don't change that pictures.

Allison said...

I was wondering about that photo...
You guys are hysterical! BOO for lunch duty. I'm truly sorry. I've never had it (seeing as I have yet to have gainful employment in the teaching field), but it sounds sucky. I will pray that God will give you patience with the other teacher, and also that your forced interaction time will be minimal... :)

Unknown said...

I had to EAT with FIFTH and SIXTH graders at my last teaching job. It was disgusting. It was the best diet I have ever been on.
Abbe's mom