Thursday, February 14, 2008

OuchY Mamma!

well i had the surgury... Ouch! here are some pics.

well I went in at 630 am wednesday. we took some sympathy pics in pre op... this was my "dying pose"

this was me today with the packing still in.

Packing came out at 1:30 today. OUCHY MAMMA!

My kids at school are being bad with the sub, just got a report that the put condoms on the sub's desk....

JAred has been an excellent nurse! Even setting his alarm to change my bandage and give me pills. Gayle had duty today. I harld saw her I was so sleepy! Jodie came by and Mom made us lunch. WE went for packing removal at 1:30 and I fell alseep sitting up in the chair. Jared came come early from work and mom and dad brought us dinner :) and Mom made a chocholate cake this morning and brought me a piece for BREAKFAST! Tomorrow will be my unsupervised day. I think Aunt Jodie is coming over. I hope! I forgot hte write down when took medicine adn almost took too much. (J amde me a pill log)


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better:) I will come over after school tomorrow, and I will go scare the bejesus out of your 4th period if you need me to.

Tiffany said...

Hope your recovering ok! Don't take too many pills! Eat lots of that chocolate cake!

Sayrah said...

oh my goodness! my poor maddie! i hope you are feeling ten times better today! at least the kids don't act that way for you! they're showing how much the miss you, right? (mine do the same on a regular basis!)

annalee said...

i'm so glad you made it through surgery, now onto recovery! praying for you!

Unknown said...

poor maddie! I hope you are better soon. at least the kids didn't put elax in the subs coffee. abbe hopes you are better too. her internet is down for a few days....painting the baby room.
cindy (abbe's mom)

Ashley said...

I hope you are feeling better! That sucks. Hang in there!

Allison said...

I hope you are feeling better. And I hope your kids are better for your sub.