Thursday, May 29, 2008


I remember alot of my dreams and they are not "normal" Jared says. Since I have been pregnant my dreams have gotten WEIRDER!!! For example last nights:

i dreamed that i was in Abilene and school was about to start and i didn't have a place to live so Carl told me i could live with him and a couple of his buddies. my room had 4 feet high ceilings and they were shingles on the inside and caving in and my bathroom was previously used for pledging "strongest man" contests so there was barf everywhere and the bathroom ceiling was also about 4 feet high meaning the shower head was 3 feet off the ground. Then the next thing i know I am in Hawaii with you and we are swimming on a sandbar in the ocean. And Panda's are swimming by us like dolphins would in real life. And there are sea weed circles right off the sandbar and if you step on them they fill with beautiful underwater flowers. But we still had to move fast of the sand bar to shore b/c the danger of sharks....

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

This is so funny! Congrats, I didn't know until now. I'll have to tell the sisters. Glad I stumbled onto your blog. ~Lindsay (Legler) Shuttlesworth