Friday, June 13, 2008

Ode to Afrin

I had sinus and nose surgery in February. I had it because I have had sinus infections for about 4 years almost constant. Antibiotics don't work and It was like I had really bad allergies. Constant sneezing and migraine type headaches. Pretty sucky. So had the surgery and they sucked out the sinuses and I felt better for about 3 weeks! Then I got a cold lost my voice and now I am back to square one. MY ObGyn said to stop with the antibiotics sine i have taken 2 strong long doses since being pregnant and they are not helping. My ENT just says "Hmmm, I don;t know why this is happening!" MY thoughts to him- I PAID YOU LOTS OF MONEY AND AM STILL PAYING FOR THE PAINFULLY MAGICAL SURGERY THAT DIDN'T WORK! DO SOMETHING ELSE FOR FREE! Apparently it doesn't work that way. So one thing I have found to help me breath and sleep... AFRIN!!! ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!! I can go from ZERO breathability and 100% cloggedness to 3 minutes complete relief! The downside is you aren't supposed to use it more than 3 times every couple weeks and If I use it at 11 it wears off about 3... But those are some gooooooooooooood sleep hours! So if your stopped up beyond belief buy you some afrin and relief will be on the way!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Excellent recommendation!