Thursday, January 29, 2009

Birth Announcements CHECK!

FINALLY got them ordered, delivered and mailed TODAY! Here is the final product. I ordered them from they have the cutest stuff (more than birth announcements)
These are from the day I babysat Kennedy and had Hadley... I don't know how my mom did it... It is not physically possible to hold, feed, soothe TWO screaming babies...

To follow up on the "industrial strength" post- here is what I am dealing with... You should see the waist of the outfit...


Robby and Lynsey said...

The announcements turned out great! I probably should have done one, but I'm pretty sure it would be a little ridiculous to send them out now. ha!
I love the cousins pictures and feel your pain with the diapers. Anna Kate blows out of hers all the time. If you ever find a solution, let me know!! :)

Sayrah said...

Hadley is sooooo gonna kill you some day for that last picture! I'm sure Curtis would tell you payback's a _________!

Lacey said...

Too cute!

Just a big of diaper info...if those are huggies - I feel your pain! To me, pamper swaddlers are better. Even Walmart's white cloud supreme hold up to those sort of messes. However, I found out quickly with my oldest that huggies do not! They make the best wipes, but not the best diapers, in my opinion. If you haven't tried them, then I suggest Pamper swaddlers. It won't stop everything, but it will cut down on your DIRTY laundry :)