Thursday, July 16, 2009

7 months

Today is Hadley's 7 Month Birthday! We went for a check up today (our 6month check up, I know... Mother of the Year) Got shot twice and found out she weighs 19.4 lbs (95%) is 28 inches tall (92%) and head is in 87%. They said she is right on target with everything and we go back in 2 months.

Had likes to say dadadadadadada, just not on camera and watch her Daddy all the time. She usually doesn't like for me to be out of her sight and defiantly doesn't like being alone in a room. Saturday I sat her in her chair facing the glass doors and didn't hear her whine so I came back and saw her intently watching Jared water.

Still no teeth but we like to rub ANYTHING we have over our gums...

SOMETIMES if we are halfway through a bottle I can set it down beside her or on her tummy and she feeds herself!
Her sleeping is AWESOME! I NEVER thought we'd get here, but she is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and taking a one hour nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Sometimes she like to do 3 (or 4) one hour naps here and there. But its cool. She LOVES her bed but napping in my bed or snuggled on the couch is when she can sleep for 3+ hours! I try to not let that happen much. But we do snuggle in the mornings alot.

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