Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hey, you're a crazy B****

You know that song.
About that bad word [person] doing that bad word [thing with an f].

I told Jared at his Aunt Jan's funeral I wanted that song at mine. Everyone was crying and thinking about Jan and her kids, all broken hearted. Then they went through a playlist of her favorite songs and people smiled and thought about Jan and their memories of her.

If I go early, hold J to that. I want to look down at all my loved ones struggling to imagine a life without me (hopefully) mascara tears flowing and BOOM! That song! People will (hopefully) be falling out of the pew laughing! I think I want a champagne toast. Followed by cake and beer, these are a few of my favorite things....


BeInG a cRaZy B...

School is crazy.

UNT school is cRaZy. I am SO GLAD I only took 1 class this semester! Its confusing and pretty much all discussion. grrrr. I don't want to make an opinion post and a research based post them comment at least 10 times per topic on mine and everyone else's post. I want to read what I am supposed to and take a quiz, do my project (alone) and get an A (hopefully). I also am losing LOVE for the online stuff. Yes its convienet to be sitting in my PJ's with wet hair and Jared and doing work, but I am confused (often) and need a prof. or another student to clarify things for me! I am not sure WHAT i am supposed ot be doing in this class. Using the "close my eyes and hope for the best" approach.

Hadley is CrAzy! She is a "Gabber-walkie" She is the cutest thing. She walks FAST with her right arm swinging for momentum across her chest. She babbles and babbles... She loves to sign and SAY "more" but she does it at the wrong times.

  • In the car seat "more"
  • diaper changing "more"
  • running around the house "more"
She does say the word and do the sign so at least she knows that. She also knows the sign for "Finished" but goes it at dinner then eats more (no sign at this time)... She says Ma-MA, and da-DA like a little French girl. Still says Hi! and waves ALL the time (especially at 6am) This is also optimal "nose!" time. Yes to say then to grab like a handle and pull. Loves to go to her board of bows and say Bow. She grabbed Molly's fur and says Dawg, hick er than you have ever hear and also stinking cute :) Uh-Oh is said often around here...
She has hand motions for

  • "Wheels on the bus"
  • "twinkle twinkle little star"
  • "patty cake"
  • "itsy bitsy spider"

Still loves to dance to Britney's 3 and ABC song. She can get down to LAdy Gaga too. Sleeping is good! She wants in her bed at 7. Not the tub, not reading, not rocking not snuggling. Her bed. She will walk to it and hold her arms up! SHe wakes up at 6 and comes to our room with milk while J gets ready. He leaves about 6:15 and she goes back to sleep for an hour. I don't. I get up and clean, do laundry, iron, prep for dinner... rigggghhhhttttt. She eats ANYTHING! Her teachers laughed because they had spinach last week. SHe would get up from her table to help herself to more! She had 3 helpings and ate so much she pooped 3 times before I got there! No one else ate it, just Had. Kennedy looked at it like "you want me to do what with this???"

Food Inc. has made me crazy!!! I went to Whole Foods to buy "good" food, but on my 3rd lap of the store (in 3 and 1/2 in heels...) I realized most people have ingredients on their lists. I was pacing. Wonderful Jared made a great meal out of my miscellaneous items tonight! We had grass fed beef burgers with pepper jack cheese and real bread from bakery. Good hubby :)

I'll put all kinds of crap into my mouth and not think twice about it, but I am redonkulously paranoid about Had eating bad stuff. I have even noticed the vegetables I give her were made in china! Not good. But everything is from their lead factories. Bath toys, clothes, food, her purses and probably books, blankets and pachies!

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