Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the apps of life...

If you know me, you know I may not survive without my iphone. MY good buddie just got one and asked for my favorite apps. I found many of them through people doing blogs like this, so thought I'd share.

baby flash cards
my mom has one of animals that make noises- but she wont let me get it b/c it will "steal her fun"
This has pictures and words- Had like to flip through them.

pandora - fabulous radio (toddler stations too- the toddler folk songs is great)

weather channel

facebook & twitter

shop style- shows you EVERY thing (clothes, shoes, ladies, men's, babies etc) ifs its for sale they have it!
people - the magazine. Their app is awesome!

world view- web cams from around the world (get the free version- it freezes sometimes but apparently the $$ does too)

zillow- MY FAVORITE I am obsessed with house shopping- even though its never happening- you can drop the map marker and see houses for sale where you are, houses that just sold and pictures of the inside!

Barnes and noble- shows you what the store nearest you has in stock and if not where to go

urban spoon b/c i am indecisive
flood-it- fun game
MyFitnessPal- its a calorie counter and looks up nutrition facts for you.
shutterfly- 2 buttons and your phone pics are sent you your shutterfly account
colorsplash and photo fx are really cool
just got the kindle app- LOVE IT
red laser- you can the bar code of something and it tells you where its sold and where the cheapest price is
white noise- good for sleeping at some one else's house


Anonymous said...

If any of your readers have a wordpress blog there is a decent app that allows for mobile blog publishing.

IVideoCamera turns your standard 3G iphone to video capable with many options for uploading/sharing including youtube, twitter, and facebook to name a few

Flixter is a good app for movies. You can get movie times, buy tickets, watch trailers and even watch trailers for movies that coming out in the distant future

Around Me- A good app for when you are on the go and you need to find a store. You just punch in the store and it will bring up all near your location. Pretty handy.

Missy said...

My kids' absolute favorite: Smacktalk