I am copying Sarah Brooke's and Abbe Jo's last blogs.
1. Who's you man? Carey Jared Powell
2. How long have you been together? 2.8 years
3. How long did you date? 2 years
4. How old is your man? 33 in 2 weeks
5. Who eats more? he does, he usually eats his plate and half of mine
6. Who said "I Love you" first? the first time i did (in an email ha ha) then round 2 he did
7. Who is taller? he is
8. Who sings better? i think me. he thinks him
9. Who is smarter? hands down HIM!!!
10. Who's temper is worse? my temper is not talking and pouting, his is over dumb stuff
11. Who does the laundry? I do "ours" and he will do "his"
12. Who takes out the garbage? he does; it's a boy job!
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? technically Me but really its Molly and we can fight for whats left
14. Who pays the bills? I pay "MY" bills (gap, neimans, discover etc) he pays house and his bills
15. Who is better with the computer? I'm pretty good, not sure what his "skill level" is...
16. Who mows the lawn? BOY JOB!!! I tried to do it a couple times this summer to help him but the first time i swear i almost had a heat stroke and the second time (a week later) it wasn't ALL long grass so i just moved the taller areas... apparently it wasn't the right thing to do
17. Who cooks dinner? i cook at pizzahut.com or cereal... he does it all
18. Who drives when you are together? he does. i SWEAR in the 2.8 years he has ridden with me 3 times and was freaking out the whole time! works out well with the car-kolespy... (falling asleep involuntarily after being in the car for 20 minutes)
19. Who pays when you go out? he does
20. Who is the most stubborn? me
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? him, but i think he does it to keep the peace most of the time
22. Whose parents do you see the most? mine, they live 5 miles away
23. Who kissed who first? he kissed me, date 2
24. Who asked who out? blind date
25. Who proposed? he did on the beach in Mexico!
26. Who is the most sensitive? he says he is SUPER sensitive, but i don't think so. i am UBER sensitive! He looks at me wrong and i bust into tears
27. Who has more friends? him
28. Who has more siblings? tie 2 each
29. Who wears the pants? me, ask anyone they'll tell ya! But I ask his opinion and let him vote!
30. Who do i Love? JAred :)
yay maddie! i'm so glad you are someone who gets my sick and twisted sense of humor.
very fabulous! i'm very impressed with your specific 2.8 yrs. :)
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