Saturday, December 1, 2007

All Over Sick

My computer and I are sick :(

I am sneaking onto Jared's computer to let you know I'm alive.
The desktop wont even let me onto the internet!!!!!!

I have bronchitis and that pissed my asthma off. So I am on house arrest all weekend...

Good news is I have tons of time to put up Christmas decorations!!!!!!

Side note-
i LOVE the gap. and i LOVE online shopping. The gap's website has a shoe link- they have many many fabulous shoes at all prices. Also, you know how fabulous Jennifer Gardner, Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton ALWAYS look???? They share a stylist- Rachael Zoe and she has picked her favs and must haves on the shoes website! I just thought you would want to know :) Happy Holiday Shopping Everyone!


Abbe said...

I am so sad that you and your computer are sick. If you need to buy me or Wee presents on gap on-line while you are recovering feel free. You know my sizes. :)

Sue said...

I put some pics of you and Lauren on my blog. I hope you're doing well. Will we ever see each other again?