Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Holiday's


This is our Christmas card. I think the only Christmas card I have ever sent out separate from my parents was when we lived on Washington in college! P.S. Its still on my Moms fridge :) I have tried to start shopping but have only bought things that I have had "planned out". Now its thinking time. I don;t know what to ask for. Suggestions? Jared is really good about giving me a list and specific ideas. I am not. I think after the "purple jeans" i was such a brat about getting last year... (i made Jared go with me to "visit" them at north park) But, it is just as bratty to give no help??? We have one week and 2 days left of school and I am READY for a 2 week break!!! I had one kid volunteer to go to the office 2nd period!!!!!! The unstable barometer must be getting to some... Oh well. Next week they are doing a research project on the European Union and what they don;t finish is homework over Christmas break! So HA! They'll behave next week!

I would like to pat myself on the back this week for my excellent "wife skills" . I must admit most is out of sheer boredom. TV sucks right now and Jared's commute from downtown isn't letting him get home till almost 7! Back to the point- I have cooked and cleaned every night this week!!!! Sunday (i was being a turd and didn't like what Jared wanted for dinner- apparently I'm "picky") So I went to the grocery and made Taco Salad, with turkey meat. Gayle would be proud. Monday was Lauren's Chicken Spaghetti, but I messed up a little BUT Jared liked it more! Tuesday was Coconut-Mango breaded Talaipia (didn't taste as good as it sounded... but not too bad) and Tonight was Pot Roast (Banquet- all in one crock pot meal- don't be too impressed) But I also made corn bread!!!! I think that was the best part :) So Yeah ME. Good wife. Plus 2 loads of laundry and dishwasher (load and unload) twice.

Since I haven't blogged in awhile I leave you with some pics:

First from our trip to Lubbock (TECH vs. OU) We went with Chris and Caroline and Jared's fam met us there for the game.


Ashley said...

Cute Christmas card! What fun picts!

Anonymous said...

you look really skinny. and i think I am just going to give you a check for christmas. is that cool?

Tiffany said...

Very cute christmas card! I completely forgot about the Washington house card until you wrote that! Thats so funny its still on your mom's fridge! I pulled out all of my pictures from that snow day we took ALL of those pictures on the fence...what a day, then the ones on the couches...

Abbe said...

Loved your Christmas card. Go shopping and buy some things you like then pass them out to your people and have them pay you back. I've become a big fan of the "look what you got me today"

Leah J. said...

Love the card! Way to go with the cooking and cleaning! That is SO hard for me to do!!! One of these days ...

annalee said...

i somehow missed too many past posts, and loved getting caught up this morning. i love that your mom still has the washington card on her fridge. anytime i look at that pic i grin ear to ear, that was such a fun snow day with you girls!