Thursday, June 26, 2008

Off Track

SO the "fabulous" crib didn't work out. Mom took me to the Baby World store to buy it and the salesman was SO RUDE!!!! We refused to give him a penny of our money! Then Jared called and said he couldn't find one positive review of the baby appleseed company. So That super fabulous crib is out. We went to a baby boutique in Plano and they were super nice, super helpful and significantly less expensive! It is Cat and the Fiddle. I highly recommend it for baby stuff. Still no crib or baby name. I think we are going to stick to the "name her when we meet her."

Its been a HOT afternoon! I took a nap earlier and Jared is sleeping now... "Where the Heart Is" with Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd is on ABC Family. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! IT is one of the books into movies that I loved both!

I am officially not teaching summer school, BUT I am taking a class at UNT! Its a computer class and the first towards my Masters of Library Science. I am VERY excited!!!

1 comment:

Mommy Leah said...

I didn't know you were getting your Masters of Library Science ... that's what I almost got my Masters in! But, I ended up changing it to Special Education, cert. in Educational Diagnostician. I think being a librarian would be so much fun!!!