Monday, June 16, 2008


Pow's new pics! We went to the doctor on Friday and they told us 95%.... A GIRL! I am so excited ready to paint EVERYTHING pink. There have been many questions about how they can tell since I am 13 weeks and they usually don't find out till 18 weeks. But we did some testing and they were looking at the bone structure not "the parts" and if the bones grow in the same direction as the spine its one thing and if they grow opposite of the spine its the other. And ours is a girl! Good news is LC's baby is a girl too!!! My parents are FREAKING out with excitement! They feel fully prepared since they have already had 2 girls at once, they are ready! Also, Dr said Pow was the perfect size (69.9 MM) and everything looked perfectly average, Good News!

1 comment:

Judie said...

How fun I didn't even know you had a blog! A girl yeah, pretty pink things.