Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Attention Readers/ PARENTS

Just wanted to remind you all that this is my PERSONAL blog. It is not connected in any way to my job. If you are reading this with any negative intentions, you are no longer welcome to read and follow my family.

I take my job very seriously and some people forget that as teachers WE HAVE PERSONAL LIVES. I care for your children very much, but it is best for my family to leave work at work. MY child is sick and I am home taking care of her. I am sure you are aware of the length of writing involved in the projects. IF it were my child that did all the work, I would appreciate the teacher taking time to read them all instead of just assigning them a grade by skimming them. Your child's projects are graded and only one class has not been entered into the computer. I have not been able to enter all the grades because during the school day I AM TEACHING YOU CHILDREN GEOGRAPHY AND HOW TO BE GOOD RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE. I do have a conference period everyday. What I do during that period is not your business.

I am not "out to get" your kids like some teachers, and I would appreciate it if you were not "out to get me"


Jennifer said...

I'm sorry the parents think anything in your personal life is their business. Because it's not. And, hypothetically speaking, IF they were using your blog against you in any way, they ought to be shot.


the daughter of two teachers and sister of another ...

Kelli said...

I'm sorry you are having parent issues. That is always hard. I will never understand how grown, intelligent, functional adults can behave the way they sometimes do. Jennifer is right. Your personal life is none of their business.

If you go private, I want to keep reading. I love your blog!

M said...

I had to go private a while and ended up ditching my original blog for a similar reason. It's amazing the lengths people will go to these days.

You're doing a wonderful job and this too shall pass.

If you make this private, let me know.


Ashley said...

Love you, Maddie P.

Hang in there. Summer is coming

Cindy said...

Oh Maddie. I am so sorry. It is always sad to me when parents choose to enable their children in so many negative ways. They teach all the wrong behaviors and they know they are teaching all the wrong behaviors. Is it any wonder they all move home without jobs? All I know to tell you is to keep trying. Or you can tell them all to eat dirt.

Abbe said...

You TELL THEM TO KISS IT!!!! So sad that a picture of your sweet, sick baby girl doesn't make people have compassion for how hard it is to be a mom and a teacher. Your students are lucky to have you! I am betting being a good mom makes you an even better teacher!