Wednesday, July 15, 2009


ok so Hadley and I "practice" MaMa 24/7. I KNOW babies developmentally say dadadadadadada before mamamamamama. But still.

It started yesterday. dadadadadadad..... giggle... dadadadadadada

Jared was so cute when he got home from work. He knows (possibly deep down inside) that its not being said at him. But still he couldn't stop smiling because she said Dada before MaMa is growing up so fast.

I on the other hand, am working harder and faster on MaMa telling her every name and color of everything around her to make her talk. She has her Dad's mute intelligence and less vocal personality. Especially next to her loud mouth vocally advanced cousin.

I made the mistake of telling Hadley about this post and discussing with her how I wanted to get her on video saying dadadadadadada. So of course she REFUSED to say that! But I got some other funny stuff too. Yes, she does fall over in the end. I don't think I say a bad word... but if I did... Sorry.

1 comment:

amy said...

ha! i know- that "dada" thing kills me! I, too, say mama to my girls over and over all day. They now say both, BUT when I tell Riley to say, "Mama" she: laughs, shakes her head no over and over, laughs, and says DADA. silly girl! I think she's forgetting who stays home with her all day, feeds her, BIRTHED her, etc... ha ha!