Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Change the name of the blog?

Gayle is STILL my mother, but since I mainly talk about my kid, should we take Gayle out of the title? Should it have Hadley's name? my name? Gayle's new name (Sugar, Shug, Shuggie)

open to suggestions.

Lauren- keep it clean. This is a family blog.
Oh, my last post wasn't too terribly family friendly? Don't tell Gayle. Luckily she doesn't read the blog dedicated to her and how she formed me into the wonderful, amazing, influential, beautiful, marvelous human being I am today.

No, "delusions of my own grandeur" and "high on life" are not in the running for new titles.

HOWEVER! I am open to suggestions. Wish I had something fancy to offer like the big blogs do... Suggest that too I guess,

Donations to winning prize will be accepted as well.

Let the commenting begin!

1 comment:

Alana said...

I am voting for "Big Nasty Sugar". :)