Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Readers are Leaders

It was recently said to me- that since I'm a librarian I'm the "Queen of all nerds". I'm pretty sure it was not intended as a complement, but I choose to take it as one.  After all, doesn't everyone want to be a Queen?

I absolutely, undoubtedly love my job.

I was so unsure and hesitant to make the switch from classroom teacher to librarian for many reasons. One being I loved my students and the relationship I got to have with them.  Teachers get to know students very well and they come by day after day, year after year just to check in and tell you about their lives.  Secondly my content was familiar, and fun! I taught geography for 9 years and I knew it like the back of my hand. There is a comfort and security in "knowing" what you are doing even if the other attributes (kids, problems, IEP's, activities) change year to year. It didn't help that I taught with my really REALLY good friends.  It doesn't feel like work when you see your friends every 90 minutes and get to eat with them everyday.

But change is inevitable. 

My job is about 5 miles from the new house and the girls new school is literally next door to my school. My principal is fabulous and so far people seem to like me.  The constant feeling of "what have I done now" is totally gone!

When I think about the changes the last 6 months there is no doubt in my mind that God has been at work here.  I was sad to leave my students, teacher friends and my subject but the library is truly where I'm meant to be.  I get lonely sometimes because I am not "friendly" with any teachers yet and I know know many students. But I am learning their names and from repeated interactions forming a different bond. 

The best part of my job is the books.  My new friends are in print. It's silly but true. I've been a reader for a long time but now its a new level, much to Jared's chagrin. 

(As a non reader he thinks paying for books is silly)

My Pap always said "it doesn't matter what happens with your school work, as long as you read- you will be fine." I remember him talking about when he went to college and could read in the dorm as long as he wanted.  He would see the sun start to come up and think oh man, i did it again.  Much different than many of my nights that ended at dawn....

On some slow weeks I read about 5 books from the library, and I'm still WAY behind on my YA-Lit (young adult literature).  I've thrown in some regular adult books lately and my favorite is Gabriel's Inferno. It's a love story written by a man, and no Fabio is not topless on a horse on the cover with his flowing blond hair.  I expected it to be 50 Shades-esque but was pleasantly surprised.  I loved 50 shades, but this was a love story minus the dirty.  There was maybe 2% of the entire book that made me blush and no kinky weirdness.  The writing was much better too! It quoted a lot of literature (Both characters are Dante specialist) and was very intelligent.  Julia in the book is the Beatrice/light and Gabriel is Dante/dark.  Their "forbidden love (que Fabio)" is the storyline of the first two books and it draws you in to why Julia is "broken and sad" and how Gabriel the "fallen, dark angel" wants to save her.  This is my favorite line from the book:

"Why not think that sometimes-just sometimes- you can overcome evil with silence? And let people hear their hatefulness in their own ears, without distracting. Maybe goodness is enough to expose evil for what it really is, sometimes. Rather than trying to stop evil with more evil. "

If you need me I'll be hiding behind my nook :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I LOVE YA Lit and it has been a huge blessing since moving to a middle school several years ago. I always read the most popular books checked out and I really love it. YEAH for Readers!