Monday, February 13, 2012


Two kids, full time job, moving twice, grad school etc don't leave time for blogging. 
I've had lots of "i should blog about this" thoughts but its like when i think thought what I'd write- its out of my head. 

I thought the other night about a blog while I was reading.  I was actually rereading Breaking Dawn-don't judge.  Jared was hounding to turn my NOOK off b/c it was "shining right in his face" ha! I remembered my Pap telling me when he was in the dorms in college.  He loved reading and was about to read as late as he wanted and he would cringe when he saw the sun coming up and realized he had read all night.  He told me as long as you read you'll be smart.  It doesn't matter what your grades are sometimes.  Reading will make you intelligent.  He said read any and everything you can. So I did.  I reread about Bella and Edward and what happens to them and the Volturi.  I also made Jared watch eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 1 this weekend.  He asked a lot of questions and I took them as "YEA! HE likes it. He's involved and wanting to know the story!" But no.  It was "too unrealistic" for him.  So I'll just keep rereading and rewatching with as little distrubance as possible :)

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