Thursday, May 17, 2012


I love 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not ashamed.  ok, a little bit. Its not the dirty stuff, its the can't live without you love.  Some people complain that its not realistic.  Newsflash- its a novel. Pick up a Biography if you want realistic.  Some people complain that the writing is not good.  To me good writing is where you know the characters, you care about them and you absolutely physically can not put the book down! It stays with you when you finish and you think about the characters as if they are friends.  There are a few books that I feel this way about and this trilogy is one of them. The dirty-dirty parts make you want to cover your eyes, but like a kid peek through so you know what happens. 

I love love.

Even after the books I sit and think about Christian and Ana.  I think about their time at the Heathman Hotel and my googling skills start their magic and BAM!
Its the headboard that is shaped like a sun.... the photo shoot, the night they slept (just slept) and when they returned to be near Ray. 

The Heathman was an important part in book 1 but more significant was Christian's apartment Escala... The entry has the wooden front door and the elevator. *blush*
I just expected to see more art.

The kitchen and bathroom were not what I expected

but the living room....

And there is Christian's piano, the wall of windows overlooking Seattle and the large L shaped couch.

The Escala doesn't offer floorplans for the penthouse.  I'm assuming they don't want crazy ex-sub's finding the red room. 

Mow the important part... WHO is Christian!!!!
Is it Jon Hamm? 
(this is who i pictured)

 Is it Matt Norgdren?
(can he act??)

Who is Chris Pine?
(Is he old enough?)

Bradley Cooper.
(Yes is has the looks but can he be serious?)

I'll let you decide for youself. 

Good read.


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